Autumn Gardening

Find all you need for Autumn Gardening with our wide range of products

Autumn is the perfect time to give your some much needed love after the Summer months have passed. Whether it's pruning back your summer plants, Feeding and weeding your prized lawn or just general tidying. You are bound to find the perfect product for your needs amongst our range of products from suppliers such as Westland, Evergreen and Darlac, to name a few.

Tend to your Garden, with a little help

Now is the perfect time to feed and weed your Lawn, with products such as Aftercut's All in one, this yearly task is made simple. It's also essential that you remember to cut back your grass, ready for the cold winter months. Don't forget to keep your precious plants covered and protected from the onset of frost, the best way to do this is by using some fleece and placing them on top of your plants before dark.

Not quite sure on the best product for your needs?

If you are not entirely certain on which products will be the best for your particular Garden, or needs then Contact us to have your queries answered by one of our expert staff, or come in-store and speak to one in person

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